shitty parties
my friend edith and I drove to a couple of parties tonight - they were awful. these were the two of the least fun parties that i have ever been to.
the first one was being thrown by a friend from high school. he's a really nice guy who we liked a lot, so we figured it would be fun. instead, it was a living room half-full of people that we only vaguely remembered from high school who all had obviously been drinking for about an hour too long. after about an hour and a half of painful conversation (and catching up a little with the host, which was nice - he was one of my best friends in middle school!) we decided to cut our losses and run. besides, we had a plan...
edith's little brother, frank, and my little brother are the same age and our families are great friends, so the four of us know each other fairly well. he's back for the holidays from rensallier or however its spelled, that institute of technology out in upstate new york. anyhow, i've been hearing stories from my brother that frank now drinks - which is kind of weird because he's one of those people who will always be ten years old in my mind. so edith corroborated these stories tonight and told me that, in fact, he was out partying too. since the first party sucked, we decided to go watch frank in action (i was secretly hoping that gio would be there too). unfortunately, we were downtown and franks thing was in orange county. party 1 still sucked though, and we weren't ready to give up on the night yet, so we figured the drive would be worth it. we stopped by in-n-out on the way to get the kids some snacks as a sort of "we come in peace" deal.
ok, i'm getting tired, but basically this party sucked too. it was a bunch of freshmen sitting around listening to shitty music and drinking nasty looking drinks. half of them were passed out, and the other half were collectively angsting about how they were unfulfilled by freshman life. also, gio wasn't there and frank wasn't even drinking! it was unbearable! we seriously only stayed about 20 mins at the party before we realized it would be more fun to just go home.
oh, and it was raining most of the night. i'm glad i was dd, though - these were the sorts of parties where the state that everybody around you is in just makes you feel bad about drinking anything at all.
so, ummmmm, ed, i promise that we won't go to bad parties like these on thursday.
Disaster in Indonesia
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Indonesia hunts disaster victims
I feel like it would be irresponsible for me not to post about this, but I'm not quite sure what to say.
emailing a friend earlier today, i realized that this is probably the absolute worst place, as far as geographical scope of damage, for an earthquake to occur. the indian ocean is flanked by eastern africa, south asia and southeast asia including indonesia. these regions represent some of the largest third-world populations in the world: india is the world's 2nd most populous country, indonesia is the world's 5th most populous country. no country on the indian ocean could be considered developed.
i'm rambling, but the point is that, in these relatively poor countries with improper infrastructure, some of the least privileged, poorest people live right on the coast. it's not like it is here in america where coastal proximity is a luxury, in fact it's quite the opposite. The result is that those most affected by earthquake-caused tsunamis will be poor fishermen eking out an existence in coastal lowlands - and these same people will have the least natural access to aid.
i know that I'm generalizing, and that coastal resorts and ports were also affected, and that devastation - especially in this type of catastrophe - tends to ignore class.
remember the old murphy's law aphorism? I always hated murphy's law.
as for whether or not this will change my plans, I doubt it - when I initially realized I wanted to go to Indonesia, I had to come to terms with the danger of it. regardless of natural disasters, it's not a safe place to be an American right now. I have no good reason why I don't really worry for myself, but I'm confident i'll be ok.
Hungarian Pop Radio
yesterday i was reading an essay by Pound for my modernism paper in which he was urging the aspiring imagist to actively search for music of unfamiliar structure, preferably in a foriegn language. the idea was that, this way, the words of the music would be less likely to distract from focus on the essence of the music's movement.
today i got bored with the music in my library and started listening to Sunshine Radio, popular music from Nyiregyhaza, Hungary. It's really awesome. I wasn't trying to explore the movement of the music or anything, I actually just made the connection to the Pound passage just now, but it's really fun. granted, it's also kind of dorky and aggressively eclectic, but i really recommend it. ok, nevermind, enrique iglesias just came on - i'm changing the channel
more ramblings on jobs and the transition to the future
i feel like i'm the sort of person who is always happier when doing something new. i just gave up working on my modernism paper and began working on my china paper, and the switch was a breath of fresh air. i had gotten bogged down in my modernism work and was working really really slowly - probably because i was bored. but i'm positive that the same would have been the case if i had been working on the china paper first and modernism second.
this doesn't really worry me as far as academics are concerned: i'll get both of them done, life will go on. but i'm worried that this sort of quick-onset ennui will be an impediment in real life. how am i ever going to find a job that i like if time is my major factor for job appreciation?
obviously there are some intuitive, broad-stroke answers: find a job whose duties are diverse, that requires me to apply my intellect in challenging, consistently new ways. or a job that only involves doing whatever i'm doing for short to medium periods of time. maybe i missed the boat when i didn't give a second thought to consulting? I almost undoubtedly won't be doing a job of the just-described sort right out of college. so the question becomes what sort of job to i take now in order to set myself upon a path that eventually will lead to the future job that
will maximize my job satisfaction?
i've been thinking about this question for a couple of weeks now and haven't been able to come up with a satisfactory answer. OCS, here i come.
happy holidays
this is just what happens to honest, hard-working people when they come to california.
merry christmas to all of my friends who are celebrating. happy holidays and safe travels to other various friends who aren't celebrating christmas, or who are travelling this christmas season.
CNN.com - New museum to display enigmatic painter's work - Dec 23, 2004
CNN.com - New museum to display enigmatic painter's work - Dec 23, 2004
i think that, probably after graduation (because i'm good enough at distracting myself as it is), i'd like to take up painting.
i know that i'm going to be bad at it -, probably real bad - but ignoring that problem for a second, i want to ponder another question: which movements should lend stylistic influence to my future painting? i don't think that i want to paint real life scene's whose motives are to actually represent real life. i think that i would get too frustrated at the limitations of my representational faculties. but i don't think that i would want my work to be completely abstract either - I would like for my work to represent my experience, not just my unaffected, purely intellectual ideas.
i suppose that i maybe would follow, stylistically, the path of gauguin. i don't really agree with his colonial, primitivist sentiments, but i love his simplified, symbolic style and his use of vivid colors. ok, i admit it, i really like the bright colors. but i think that i would probably do a better job of expressing myself as i desire and not get caught up so much with the more frustrating details of the creative process if i were to use a gauguin as a sort of starting point. (obviously i wouldn't actually follow in the footsteps of gauguin. even i'm not vain or pretentious enough to think that)
reflections on a normal day
i got negligible amounts of work done today, so i've got to bust ass tomorrow and get cracking on this modernism stuff. and i still have to buy presents for my mom and for my brother, too.
but, it was a good day. i wore a tshirt. i wore flip-flops. i even wore shorts for the entire morning. i really begin to appreciate the aesthetic drive to my happiness when an essentially wasted day is made good by flip-flops and 70 degree weather.
also, i worked out today - and that made me feel good. i really want to keep a good work out routine while i'm home for the holidays. it'll make frisbee workouts a lot easier to bear in january and february.
when i'm at school, mike is my workout partner. working out with mike is great because he's a little stronger than me, so it's always easy to gauge how much i should be lifting by going right after him - and also because he's one of my best friends, so the work out becomes a lot less of a chore and something to, instead, look forward to. this is especially true because mike and i are both usually pretty busy, so working out is a way of structuring time to hang out.
when i'm home i work out with peter, my mom's trainer. for a lot of the same reasons, he's also a great guy to work out with. he's a lot stronger than me, but he pushes himself really hard, and gets me to really work a lot harder that i would otherwise. and he's also really awesome guy - he's at a level of maturity that seems to approximate where i'll be about five years from now.
so that's my take on work out partners: this is the awkward insight into my life for the month of december.
BBC NEWS | Business | State firm 'gains' key Yukos unit
BBC NEWS | Business | State firm 'gains' key Yukos unit
BBC NEWS | Business | Yukos seeks court action on sale
some wierd shit is going down in eastern europe. the bbc seems to imply, through these articles as well as others, that its root cause is putin's totalitarian ideology. weirdly assessed back-taxes - government owned oil companies standing to gain - owner of now defunct yukos having unwelcome political aspirations. sounds to me like loosely veiled strong-arm tactics.
san pedro
i'm home for break now. i'm so bored. all there is to do is blog and sit around.
i'm kind of running into the dilemma where there are some friends from home that i don't really want to get back into touch with. i feel somewhat guilty avoiding them, though. i've even been using, "i'm writing papers tonight" as an excuse.
modernism and the beauty of the dialectic process
Putting Modernism Together
so i realized during my excrutiatingly long flights today that i love essence of the modernist movement. the entire thing was such an extreme dialectic process - fueled by so much rejection and soul searching. it produced so many beautiful - if bizarre - contributions to the aesthetic... and then it ate itself up too, as it inevitably had to do.
i don't know, i guess i'm enchanted by the amazing vitality displayed by the movement. cubism, impressionism, expressionism - everything cool came through the same modernist, rejectionist, insatiable ethic. its awesome. it makes me wish i was there.
Wirehog | anang
Wirehog | anang
i drank a lot today, but only after the night went bizarro (to be left unexplained). two weeks of christmas break start tomorrow for me. i look forward to the time off, but i have to put in serious work as well. i have three different papers due during reading period. also i have some difficult life shit to think through... where do my priorities stand? what am i looking to accomplish next semester? and beyond? and what company am i going to enjoy along the way?
my blocking group!
evan, me, sam, dan
brian, ed, mike
this is us at the kirkland house holiday dinner on December 17th.
BBC NEWS | Americas | Bush named 'Person of the Year'
BBC NEWS | Americas | Bush named 'Person of the Year'
probably the right decision, but saddening nonetheless. the thing that frustrates me most about the current regime is not any particular policy, but the abrasive undercurrent of alienation of the left felt in its rhetoric when taken as a whole.
i mean, i'm not naive enough to think that this doesn't occur with every president to a certain extent. and it's true that i only reached a level of political awareness during the clinton presidency, but in my mind it is important to rule, not by carving out and galvanizing a 51% majority, but by endeavoring to represent the perspectives and sentiments of the country as a whole. i have not seen that occur enough during president bush's term of office and i hope that i'm proven wrong during his second term.
Living in Indonesia, Site for Expatriates-Jakarta Indonesia
Living in Indonesia, Site for Expatriates-Jakarta Indonesia
thinking of going abroad. it's going to be awesome. i need to get on top of finding myself a job, though. it'll happen, but it needs to begin soon. also, thinking of asking kafie if i can spend a couple of months this summer down in honduras helping him to get his recycling company working. then, after that and indonesia, thinking of working in paris for 6 mos. i really want to do something significant in indonesia though, because i feel like - if i go to paris - i don't want to be doing anything TOO serious, i want time to be bohemian.
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Turkmenistan: Isolated but dangerous
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Turkmenistan: Isolated but dangerous
bizarre. reading this now, i realize that there have been times in the past when i struggled to visualize how perspectives from the other side of the cold war ideological gap were manifested. then, as reading this article now, it seems surreal in its lack of nuance. i still suspect that life in turkmenistan is subtly less autocratic and that people there must be able to save a cherished ounce of individuality - in thought and in lifestyle - but it sure doesn't seem like that on the surface.
Thefacebook | Home
i feel like im not sick anymore. that's nice, because i plan on drinking a lot over the next couple of days. ed, since you're the only person who reads my blog, thank you. everybody else, if there is anybody else, let me know who you are.
one week
one stupid week left, then i get back to this. i can't wait to go back.
a little reflection on my posts a couple days ago
i feel better now, and a little embarassed that i was so emotional a couple of days ago.
the discussion with diane was in the abstract, not really referring to one girl in particular, just girls in general - but i was a little shaken i guess.
i've got my feet back under me now. but i'm also feeling a little sick, that kind of sucks too
BBC NEWS | Europe | France shows off tallest bridge
this is pretty sweet
so talking about women today with mike and diane, diane made the interesting point that there will be some girls who feel like they're too good for me. this frustrates me and scares me at the same time. while girls who judge me to be inferior to them (or some similar status) will inevitably not be a good fit for me anyhow, the fact that there are some girls out there who might judge in that way really annoys me.
but it also scares me. it scares me because a close friend of mine believes that i am the type of guy who girls will think that they are better than. what does that say about me? my personality? the way i carry myself? the way i
should carry myself? i think i'm really frustrated right now, and probably need to do a better job of finding my way through this frustration
im pissed off
i've been rather emotional lately, it kind of sucks. i usually cant figure out why im emotional at times like these. i feel like that is usually from a complete lack of will to introspect, though. i just don't want to figure out what's wrong, so i bottle shit up and let it vent in other, very unconstructive ways.
the worst part is, despite the fact that i know this is not a fair way of dealing with my problems (because in my unconstructive moments i usually end up dumping all my crap on whoever is unlucky enough to be around), i don't feel like i am ready to change my mode of problem assuaging... there's a creeping feeling at the moment that the problems i am avoiding are so terrifyingly anathema to me that it might be better to just deal with problems in the current, broken way, rather than confront what is actually going wrong.
another thing that kind of sucks is that, possibly due to my immense pride, i handle these problems with a sometimes uncalled for level of righteousness. i know this is self-perpetuating and problematic - and even as i am writing this i'm not quite ready to believe that i am wrong in my actions - but very much trust the opinions of those who are close to me, and if their opinions are so diametrically opposed to my own, that's my usual warning that i could be in the wrong, despite my active-self-justification-righteousness-complex.
my title
i just changed the name of my blog from "stream of awareness" to "impressions" because the former sounded too contrived and a little tooo pretentious. "impressions" might still suffer from those two characteristics, but i like how its abstract nature kind of muffles them a little bit
blog aesthetics
so blogs are kind of like a paused movie. a snapshot that is interesting standing on its own, but must be juxtaposed against everything that is going on around it in order to be actually understood
first day reflection
this is a lot of fun. i really like this. for me blogging is an exciting, new medium for communication. i get to ramble and philosophize and think in a new way. and, because of this, it is also a fascinating expansion of my expressive faculty. especially for somebody as vain as me, who likes to think that his thoughts and psyche exist somewhere in the nuance of everything, being able to express myself in a new way makes me very happy. this attracts me to blogging even more - through expression i get to self-reflection, and i've been needing to do a little more of that lately anyhow.
all in all, a fun day and a fun adventure.
because i missed dinner while blogging, i went to felipe's to get a burritto. on the way, i spontaneously broke into a sprint. it was awesome. in this academic, abstract life i live very little is actually spontaneous anymore. i felt refreshed
Google Search: campo di fiore cambridge
i am a huge nerd. i got so excited about this new blog thing that i just missed dinner. now i'm hungry.

this is me. I play ultimate frisbee (that's the reason for the uniform)
On the outside
I am roommate number 4 and I don't know exactly how to feel about the blogging phenomenon sweeping the rest of my room. So far it has only been able to infect very nerdy roommates, but I am afraid that blogging may soon evolve into a non-nerdy infectable form.
As you can see from my post, there is no reason I should be immune from the nerdy form of blog, I just don't know how to do it.
Roomate 4
BlogThis Test!
In the spirit of Sam's exploration of the blogging universe, I am testing the BlogThis! link.
thoughts on BlogThis:
I have added it as a bookmark, so I can literally blog at the touch of a button
any time that i feel like ruminating. This is very important for the success of my blogging adventure because my most inspired thoughts, without fail, are also the ephemeral.
this is exciting. viva blog!

this is sam
reasons for doing this
a couple of minutes ago i eavesdropped on my roommate sam discussing blogs with his mother. he was talking about their effect on the political process and talking about social networking and the spread of ideas.
i was inspired by his description. i realize that i waste a lot of time avoiding my work. by creating a blog i can have a more acute affect on my own society - and i can waste my time much more constructively.
so here i go. thanks sam.