Wednesday, September 07, 2005
  The MTA
The poor coverage of the MTA transit system is a major impediment to the spread of equal opportunity in Los Angeles. It takes a bus commuter nearly twice the time it does the auto commuter to get from place to place... this ratio may be suitably better for rail commuters, but that fact is rendered marginal by the poor coverage of LA's rail system.

This guy is a prick. He just left a combative, uninsightful comment on my blog and I'm pissed at him. So, naturally, I checked out his blog.

What do I think of it? I think it's ideological crap - but, I think it's well constructed ideological crap. He puts his arguments together logically, in a way that forces you to do more than simply disagree, it forces you to also push yourself to understand the logical progression of why you disagree... and I really like that.

The dude is a combative prick who's seemingly insecure about his vocabulary, but I find myself engaged by his blog. (prick)
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
  unwanted intertia and its psychological ramifications
i'm finding it increasingly difficult to enjoy the lighter moments in my life as my current situation - indonesia and not being able to find a job there - skews my fundamental demeanor. i feel like i can't shake the deep-rooted agitation that i feel over that. people i meet ask me what i'm doing, friendships grow and also fade in reflection both of my intention to leave and my reality of staying. it frustrates me that i'm seemingly letting this temporary annoyance keep me from enjoying life the way that i know i should
searching, thinking

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