reflections on a normal day
i got negligible amounts of work done today, so i've got to bust ass tomorrow and get cracking on this modernism stuff. and i still have to buy presents for my mom and for my brother, too.
but, it was a good day. i wore a tshirt. i wore flip-flops. i even wore shorts for the entire morning. i really begin to appreciate the aesthetic drive to my happiness when an essentially wasted day is made good by flip-flops and 70 degree weather.
also, i worked out today - and that made me feel good. i really want to keep a good work out routine while i'm home for the holidays. it'll make frisbee workouts a lot easier to bear in january and february.
when i'm at school, mike is my workout partner. working out with mike is great because he's a little stronger than me, so it's always easy to gauge how much i should be lifting by going right after him - and also because he's one of my best friends, so the work out becomes a lot less of a chore and something to, instead, look forward to. this is especially true because mike and i are both usually pretty busy, so working out is a way of structuring time to hang out.
when i'm home i work out with peter, my mom's trainer. for a lot of the same reasons, he's also a great guy to work out with. he's a lot stronger than me, but he pushes himself really hard, and gets me to really work a lot harder that i would otherwise. and he's also really awesome guy - he's at a level of maturity that seems to approximate where i'll be about five years from now.
so that's my take on work out partners: this is the awkward insight into my life for the month of december.