Monday, May 08, 2006
  bloggers: a culture of sociopathy?
Living in a place where to communicate I must modify my English at all times really has this blog going gangbusters. All of a sudden, without an alternative outlet for my pent up desire for self-expression, I'm writing on this thing all the time.

it really makes me wonder about other bloggers, though. I feel like I have an excuse because I'm living in a city of 2,000,000 people but I know exactly 0000001 person with whom i can have a pure, highbrow american english conversation - and he only comes into town once or twice a week. Most bloggers live in their own country, though!!! What is going on with their lives that they have to turn to a medium that doesn't really respond as a major form of communication??

ok ok ok, i know that's a flawed argument and i don't need you (anybody) to point out the obvious sticking points to me. what i would like, though, is for somebody out there to distill my core question and help me answer it.

i'll even help begin the process...

manoah's core question: what is the blogger's motivation to blog so much rather than utilize other, seemingly more efficient means of self-expression (like talking)?

manoah's problem: without having an immediately more appropriate answer to this question, i worry that the answer might be that bloggers who post to their blog a lot choose to blog because they are incabable (for whatever reason) of properly communicating in using more mainstreamed modes in the societies in which they live. i worry this may be sign of possible sociopathy.

(all of this meandering conjecture is spawned from the temporary sociopathy (or temporarily heightened levels of sociopathy) that i'm currently experiencing)

ok, somebody help me think this through.

also somebody please keep me entertained - i'm bored and i'm making dumb posts to my blog.

also, please notice that the name has changed... again.
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