so, plans for intersession finally look set - and i'm pretty pleased. At first it looked like i was going to vail with the blockmates, but, after a little talk with mike, i realized i didn't really want to go there, i was just going for the sake of others. then, for a day or two, i was thinking that i might fly down to the dominican republic and explore around for a little - but that was dangerous and i couldn't convince anybody else to go with me.
so it looks like i'm going to stick around here over intersession. not the best location, but i'm travelling to SD in less than a month anyhow. and this way i'll save a few bucks, i can get my life back in order following exams, work on jobs for next year, and begin my bahasa regiment. it should be fun. and who knows, maybe i'll go for a weekend trip or something.
two more exams first though. bleaugh.
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