BBC NEWS | UK | England | Oxfordshire | Climate change 'disaster by 2026'
BBC NEWS | UK | England | Oxfordshire | Climate change 'disaster by 2026'
i know that i keep posting the same sorts of articles to my blog recently, but i don't want to add too much commentary because every time i open my mouth on these subjects i kind of feel like a hippy
my friend mike
i just found out that a person i knew in high school has died. he wasn't a best friend of mine, but he was the sort of guy who would warm a room with his smile and his demeanor; one of those people who you simply knew was a great guy. i respected him so much. i looked up to him. he was a great guy. and i wish that he was still alive.
CNN.com - Report: Global warming approaching critical point - Jan 24, 2005
CNN.com - Report: Global warming approaching critical point - Jan 24, 2005
BBC NEWS | Europe | Italy's real 'Romeo and Juliet'
BBC NEWS | Europe | Italy's real 'Romeo and Juliet'

I was thinking that my painting would be something like this... of this fantastical essence, but a lot poorer quality and not as colonial.
so, plans for intersession finally look set - and i'm pretty pleased. At first it looked like i was going to vail with the blockmates, but, after a little talk with mike, i realized i didn't really want to go there, i was just going for the sake of others. then, for a day or two, i was thinking that i might fly down to the dominican republic and explore around for a little - but that was dangerous and i couldn't convince anybody else to go with me.
so it looks like i'm going to stick around here over intersession. not the best location, but i'm travelling to SD in less than a month anyhow. and this way i'll save a few bucks, i can get my life back in order following exams, work on jobs for next year, and begin my bahasa regiment. it should be fun. and who knows, maybe i'll go for a weekend trip or something.
two more exams first though. bleaugh.
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | 'Billions' affected by disasters
CNN.com - Journalist: U.S. planning for possible�attack on Iran - Jan 16, 2005
CNN.com - Journalist: U.S. planning for possible�attack on Iran - Jan 16, 2005
and while i'm at it... here's a little introduction to my family: my little brother gio. i always get the feeling that people don't really believe me when i tell them that i'm only 1/4 asian... that is until they meet gio.
we're full brothers, he doesn't look at all asian, and he's a lot taller than me.
so i finished my papers ---- that was one of the worst experiences of my life. i probably wont recover for another couple of weeks.
anyways, this is a picture of me and my friend robert from back in pedro. most of you guys who read this blog haven't gotten a chance to meet any of my friends from home, but he's one of the best. robert goes to tuskegee, where he's studying to become a veterinarian. he's awesome.
nearly there
two papers down one to go
i swear i'll begin updating this thing regularly again in a couple of weeks once exams are finished.
CNN.com - U.N. accuses force of sex abuse - Jan 8, 2005
CNN.com - U.N. accuses force of sex abuse - Jan 8, 2005
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Tsunami's salt threat to islands
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Tsunami's salt threat to islands
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Tensions flare in quake countries
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Tensions flare in quake countries
reading period
these papers are the bane of my existence.
"Peacefully Me"
Peacefully Me
I just helped my friend robert create a blog! he's an awesome guy, who's studying at Tuskegee to become a veterinarian. Robert and I have been friends for a long time....
so go check out his blog, give him advice, encouragement, discouragement. anything you have to add.
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Tribe shoots arrows at aid flight
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Tribe shoots arrows at aid flight
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Search for corpses in ghost town
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Search for corpses in ghost town
BBC NEWS | UK | Politics | Brown pushes tsunami debt relief
BBC NEWS | UK | Politics | Brown pushes tsunami debt relief
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Tsunami death toll nears 140,000
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Tsunami death toll nears 140,000
and i find it somewhat disturbing - at some personal level - that the press is keeping track of the death count as its headline. the bbc and cnn have both been doing this for a week now. i don't know, watching the death toll rise at such a fast rate like it's on some disembodied news ticker in times quare has been really hard for me. the bbc kept a link to an old story up for a while; the story was about the greatest disasters, in terms of human life lost, in recorded history. i know it's illogical, and this is probably a sentiment welling from someplace deep in the psychological recesses of my heart, but that really leaves me feeling unsettled.
earthquake/tsunami thoughts
i posted those last few links without commentary because i realize that i lack the necessary knowledge of prior disasters and the subsequent responses by the international community. so, instead of evaluation, i'll post my thoughts...
i worry most about the regions in the north of sri lanka and the north of sumatra which are experiencing the disaster while in the midst of political turmoil. i know that governments often cannot resist the temptation to use disaster and control of life-preserving supplies as a tool to utilize for their own political gain. if supplies were not allowed to pass through to the tamil region of sri lanka and the aceh province of indonesia, it would be an unthinkable tragedy.
i wonder how long of a period of time the residents of coastal western sumatra had between the crippling earthquake and the devastating tsunami. with no knowledge to back this up, i would think that they were quite likely affected to an even greater extent because any infrastructure which they could have used to avoid the tsunami was probably either destroyed by the earthquake or weakened to such an extent that the violence of the waves surely finished it off.
on another note, i am thinking that maybe i should see what sort of help the indonesian government might need with coordination of developmental relief funding and effort for the affected regions of sumatra. although initial cleanup and disaster aid work will be completed by the time i arrive, i've read that the rebuilding process will take a number of years. i assume that much of this will take place due to the generosity of organizations and governments that do not speak bahasa. perhaps they would be in need of some sort of liason - or assistant liason - to help streamline communications and coordination with the various relief agencies.
BBC NEWS | UK | RAF reaches devastated province
BBC NEWS | UK | RAF reaches devastated province
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Thousands missing from Thai town
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Thousands missing from Thai town
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Seeking survivors on swallowed islands
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Seeking survivors on swallowed islands
CNN.com - Deepest U.S. reef found - Jan 2, 2005
CNN.com - Deepest U.S. reef found - Jan 2, 2005
new years resolutions
-learn bahasa (after finals)
-find a job that i'm satisfied with
-drink less, but more fruitfully
-figure out exactly what i want this blog to be
-get really awesome at frisbee
-get better grades
-to keep growing up, learning about myself, blah blah blah (all that stuff that's sort of embarassing) but to do so in a way where i can still be happy now, too; ok, to search for ways to 'improve' my life in the future, but not to do so in a manner where i can't enjoy whatever lifestyle i choose to live in the present.
how's that for idealistic?
(happy new year)