quick update
I leave town in a week. I wish I could say that this blog will be undergoing some dramatic facelift to commemorate the occassion, but it of course isn't. I love everybody who reads it, but it isn't really worth the time. I
will, however, start updating it more - and hopefully doing a better job of putting together worthwhile entries.
Funding the "Final War": LTTE Intimidation and Extortion in the Tamil Diaspora
Funding the "Final War": LTTE Intimidation and Extortion in the Tamil Diasporai've never seen this type of relation between a homeland and a diaspora population... i knew the tamils were well organized, but extortionists? yikes, it's like one giant organized crime syndicate.
BBC NEWS | South Asia | India rebels free train captives
BBC NEWS | South Asia | India rebels free train captivesHow is it that India and Nepal have enough Maoists to fuel "Maoist Revolutions" when China doesn't even have any Maoists anymore?
BBC NEWS | Business | EU to decide shoe dumping action
BBC NEWS | Business | EU to decide shoe dumping actiongo china go... hooray globalization... the next step, of course, is for china to complain of laotian and cambodian dumping or something like that... i wonder what comes at the end of this cycle (of course, i know, this cycle unfortunately probably doesn't reach its end)
BBC NEWS | Africa | Darfur unrest prompts UN aid cut
BBC NEWS | Africa | Darfur unrest prompts UN aid cutUS OFDA is facing similar budget cuts... 1/3 the funding of last year. international community needs to get its act together
CNN.com - Congress declares war on ports deal - Mar 9, 2006
CNN.com - Congress declares war on ports deal - Mar 9, 2006irrational jingoism is the clear and unfortunate result of both dems and republicans maneuvering to avoid being cast as unpatriotic in the run up to midterm elections... another dumb result of our political system: everybody's so busy playing politics that nobody takes the time to even
allow thorough analysis to determine whether this is at all bad.
BBC NEWS | Africa | Uganda's Besigye cleared of rape
BBC NEWS | Africa | Uganda's Besigye cleared of rapemore authoritarian regimes
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Uzbekistan jails opposition chief
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Uzbekistan jails opposition chiefI hate authoritarian regimes.
BBC NEWS | Americas | Call for Moussaoui death penalty
BBC NEWS | Americas | Call for Moussaoui death penaltyI hate the death penalty.