blog lifespan
i was thinking earlier this month that i was going to allow this blog to die because i've become uncomfortably aware of the aesthetic space that it occupies. knowledge that certain people do and do not read it has affected the type of post that i make to it and that really disappoints me.
i've decided to keep it going, though, because i think it will be a useful means of communication with friends after the post-graduation dispersal. i also get the feeling that this acute awareness of viewership will decline after graduation as well.
we'll see
my roommate sam has stopped posting to his blog because he was troubled by the easy accessibility of his more private thoughts. instead, he's started a new gmail account: thought.lessin@gmail.com. he now has a personal, sortable, password-protected thought database which he is beginning to compile.
i liked the idea so much that i started my own. i don't plan on stopping my blog, but it will be fun to see how these emails i send to myself will differ from messages i post onto my blog.

The Harvard Men's Ultimate team played at the New England Regional competition this year. Finishing second, we qualified for Nationals at the end of May! It was an amazing weekend. Here is a picture forwarded to me by a player from Williams University: I'm on defense in this picture (and I get the block a split-second later)